Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sweet Oaklee

 The Photosnappa Ladies sure love to snap our own kids, and we were lucky to snap the adorable miss Oaklee for her 7th birthday coming up!  We saw a really awesome abandoned warehouse covered in graffiti on tv, tracked it down and headed to it's location in Saltair, UT.  When we got there, we searched, and found out it was just torn down:(  We did not give up, we just improvised!  We decided to do some snaps around the old Saltair building and some on a train we passed on the way down.  Oaklee loved to climb and play on the seriously dirty train, and we loved that we got some rockin' snaps in a train car!  Awesome!  WE LOVE how they turned out, and were happy that we could still get some beautiful snaps even with a change of plans!  Check out my sweet girl...

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